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December 15, 2023, Zaragoza, España | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Hydrology and Water Resources

The Ebro Hydrographic Confederation promotes the modernization of its communications network with the SAIH Ebro Main Rings Renewal Project

January 31, 2023, San Juan del Puerto, España | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency

Renovation of public lighting in the Municipality of San Juan del Puerto (Huelva) begins

January 18, 2023, Madrid, España | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Hydrology and Water Resources

The Tagus Hydrographic Confederation extends the contract with SICE for the integral management of the integrated network system

January 11, 2023, Alcobendas, España | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Air Quality, Smart Cities, Smart Green

The city of Alcobendas installs a Low Emissions Zone

May 10, 2022, Benidorm, Alicante | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Lighting, Smart Cities, Smart Efficiency

SICE carries out the renovation of Benidorm's public lighting in order to improve energy efficiency in the city

March 12, 2022, Linares, Jaén | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Lighting, Smart Cities, Smart Efficiency

29 neighborhoods in Linares have new streetlights to illuminate their streets

June 18, 2021, Linares, Jaén | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Lighting, Smart Cities, Smart Efficiency

Linares awards SICE the renewal of all the city's lighting fixtures

January 08, 2021, Madrid, Spain | Intelligent Traffic and Tunnel Systems, Intelligent Transport Systems, Environment and Energy Efficiency, Smart Cities, Telecommunications Infrastructure, Security Systems, Process Control, Other Infrastructures

100 years at society’s service through technology

December 14, 2020, Spain | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Hydrology and Water Resources, Hydraulic Infrastructure

SICE will renovate the SCADA system of the Segura AHIS, integrating into the process the post-transfer AHIS, the OFSN, the AWQIS, and the CUCS

December 03, 2020, Talavera de la Reina, España | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Lighting

Talavera de la Reina (Toledo) renovates its lighting to use LED technology