June 03, 2021, Lugo (Galicia) | Integrated Tunnel Management
April 19, 2021, Houston, Texas, USA | Intelligent Traffic and Tunnel Systems, Toll Systems
February 18, 2021, Windsor(Canada), Detroit (USA) | Intelligent Traffic and Tunnel Systems, Interurban Traffic, Toll Systems
February 11, 2021, Houston, Texas | Intelligent Traffic and Tunnel Systems, Interurban Traffic, Toll Systems
January 08, 2021, Madrid, Spain | Intelligent Traffic and Tunnel Systems, Intelligent Transport Systems, Environment and Energy Efficiency, Smart Cities, Telecommunications Infrastructure, Security Systems, Process Control, Other Infrastructures
December 14, 2020, Spain | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Hydrology and Water Resources, Hydraulic Infrastructure
December 10, 2020, Australia | Smart Cities, Smart City Platform
December 03, 2020, Talavera de la Reina, España | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Lighting
November 05, 2020, Madrid, Spain | Intelligent Traffic and Tunnel Systems, Intelligent Transport Systems, Environment and Energy Efficiency, Smart Cities, Telecommunications Infrastructure, Security Systems
October 29, 2020, Sydney, Australia | Intelligent Traffic and Tunnel Systems, Interurban Traffic, Integrated Tunnel Management